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Showing posts from December, 2012

Rethink about Dreams

" We already walked too far, down to we had forgotten why embarked."——Kahlil Gibran It's my forth year here in Singapore and it seems that I am a bit lost.   Maybe it's time to reexamine myself before moving forward. Where am I heading? The first time I wrote down my future plans was five years when I bought a time management book named "How to get control of your time" written by Allan Lakein. The book requires us to list down the top goals for 3-5 years, 3months, etc. It also provides an efficient way to organize and prioritise daily tasks. The methods worked great for me for a year before I came to Singapore. I started to realize that by noting the dreams down, dreams become step-by-step plans and are no longer difficult to accomplish.  Fortunately, most of the so-called dreams I listed 5 years ago got accomplished. For instance, getting admitted by a good university, being able to cope with the new environment in university,traveling overseas, buy

About Memory

Today, I went for an Evernote Sharing event in an incubator named Blk71. The event is more on user feedbacks and marketing. There are three thoughts to be highlighted. 1. Attending this kind of entrepreneur events is a very good approach for reaching out more contacts. Many people who have their own businesses or plan to build their own startups will come and attend this kind of events.There is one entrepreneur who shared his experience of how he used Evernote to design his own app. He got the chance to advertise his own app while sharing the experience. Another software developer shared how his company integrated Evernote's public API. He indeed shared a lot more on his own product rather than Evernote. During the break, I talked with two entrepreneurs. One is a NUS computer engineering alumni. He is now running his own retailing company on baby products. It works well as there weren't competitors in Singapore when he first started his business. Though there is no relationsh

About Religion

Today, I invited some of my friends to the Christmas Gathering in our home church. By"our",I mean the church is at the apartment where I live and I've been attending the church for a whole semester. I cannot claim myself as a Christian as there is still one key fact I cannot accept at this moment, which is "Is Jesus God?". I've been seeking for the answer in Bible for weeks, but the conclusion I can draw is that "Jesus is the son of God" or "Jesus is part of God",but Jesus and God are not completely identical. However, I do believe it beneficial for people to know more about God. In fact, I invited five of my best friends who are non-believers, but only two managed to come. This time, a Deacon in another Church came to our church to share God's words. It is very persuasive and I cannot pick significant flaws out of his words. At the end of the preaching, the Deacon prayed to God for guiding us to God. I prayed with the Deacon line

Time to Write sth about the NOC Israel

After more than a month's waiting, I received an email today from the Financial Aid office saying that I am not permitted to go for the NOC Israel programme.  Dear Shaohuan I refer to your appeal to participate in NUS Overseas College (NOC) Israel.   As spoken on 6 November 2012, we understand that you are very eager to attend the NOC and we had submitted your appeal, together with the appeal from NOC to the sponsor.  However, we regret to inform you that your appeal to participate in NOC Israel is not successful.   The sponsor has advised that you look for an internship locally instead, if needed.   We wish you all the best.  Actually, I was informed by the NOC coordinator that she has been informed by her colleagues that the sponsor officially rejected my appeal(together with Prof.Ben's and NOC's appeals) on 21st Nov. She tried to confirm with her colleagues whether the decision is final or not, hoping to help me for the last try. However, I guess the result won't b