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Kind of Familiar with Sleeping Late

I was very excited to write sth last night after Monday's class. However, I was stuck with a bug in the previous assignment and thus lost the passion to write this blog.
Here I am today, to write some thoughts down before my passions gone.

About Project Management.

1. Idea First or Team first?
I agree with Yingbo that it really depends on the projects. If the timeline is as limited as CS3216, team definitely goes first. It's very dynamic to polish the ideas and make them work later. But for very large projects, ideas should not be easily changed, then teams would have to go next.
I experienced the team first approach in the first two projects. It works perfectly fine. In that approach, everyone actively contributes and there are no hierarchies or non-negotiable conflicts in the team. Though there may be unequal workload distributing problem due to merits of different people in the team, people will be dynamically switch their roles when they finish their jobs. Idea First would be good, too. But it world be too hard to come up with an architectural blueprint and foreseen the potential of the ideas. Worse still, people may not be that strongly believe in the ideas. I also kind of agree with the American friend that good team can  work things out even the initial idea is not working.

2. What if someone cannot finish his/her work on time when he/she committed that before?
As I have mentioned in the class, it's really his/her responsibility to finish that. But if he/she really cannot, he/she should inform his/her friends asap to seek more helps.

About Peer Evaluation

I was pleased as people gave me many positive comments. My friends also give me many suggestions which I feel very good and beneficial. Honestly, I myself knows many negative sides of myself. For instance, I would rather hurt someone in order to pick a strong team. I sometimes am very selfish. I didn't code that efficiently and nicely. I learnt pretty slow and even sometimes impose on other people when a mistake is made and Icannot fix it, etc... I appears pretty nice, but that might be the impression to others. That might not be what I really am. Like Leon told me, he appears very confident and smiles a lot, that's because you have to be confident to make other people confident. If a patience goes to ask for a drug, and you tell him/her in a very in confident manner, how will he/she feel?

About MS interview

I had a phone interview from Microsoft US for internship last week. My lousy English makes the interviewer pretty painful. I encountered one question from the interviewer: He is at level 15 of the building and he want to know what's the temperature outside the windows. There is no internet, etc for communication and no thermal device for temperature reading. How can he know the temperature outside?
I gave an answer by boiling water and recode the timestamp and then convert the timing to temperature. Not good lah, I think he may not understand me at all. ..Finally get rejected.
As Yingbo said long long time ago, what really important is passion and the talent to make the passion work. It's not really opportunities that determine how high a human being can reach, but the talent and passion to make it work. Not so many people can have both two elements. I think her thoughts are pretty persuasive. Too tired, need to sleep.

Good night!



  1. It's not really opportunities that determine how high a human being can reach, but the talent and passion to make it work.

    Talent is overrated. Most times, it's just how hard you try. :-)

  2. Thank you,Prof. Ben. When Yingbo shared her idea, she was more referring to Einstein. He's the combination of both(talent&passion). Without the talent, human being cannot reach that high. I agree most times that's not the case:)

  3. Felt weird seeing my name mentioned here. =.=

    For the MS question, what I can think of is to see the level of condensation on the windows which can tell you the relative difference between the temperature inside and outside the room. Then, in offices usually the aircons might have thermostat built-in that you can use.

    Or just go out there and sense it yourself! Haha. (Or go to your friend's cubicle and ask him/her to search on the internet, etc.)

  4. Haha, I guess asking other people is the answer they are expecting for. You are more than qualified for a MS job. I really think you should consider working in a great IT company like Google:)


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