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A New Week

As predicted in last week's blog, quite a number of deadlines have been finished by today. A NLP assignment, an algorithm tutorial, a project demo, a FYP CA report. Some are accomplished successfully, while most of them are built from a scratch in one or two nights. The outcomes are fine, but not 100% as good as I could have accomplished, especially for the FYP report. Most things need to get polished several times before they look OK. The FYP report contains a lot of flaws, which will probably take too long to count one by one. e.g., language, grammar, logic, etc. I guess I shall ask someone else to read the report before submitting it in the final assessment. One good thing in my FYP report is that my charts are created quite nicely, which is mainly the credits of LucidChart, a web based drawing tool.

Today, I attended a talk by Saul Singer, the author of Start-up Nation. I get inspired in two of his points. One point is that the world is now getting more connected, every country has its own strength/weakness and we shall enhance the collaboration between different countries to solve global problems like the education crisis. Another point is that in Israel, people now are thinking why they cannot create big companies. There are constraints for startups. Most of the founders may be good at creating a company, but not good at scaling it. There are also problems in big companies. Israel was a bit too closed to silicon valley. Now they shall get more knowledge of other parts of the world. Many countries nowadays actually face same problems. We shall look globally to solve problems for the whole world.

I talked with the Financial Aid officers about the NOC issue again.  They said there haven't been any successful cases before, thus I shall prepare for the worst. This delivers a fairly tragic message that "even if I work very hard(or dying for sth), I still may not get it, it's not under your control." which contradicts my previous positive philosophy that" If you work very hard(you are dying for sth), you'll get it. If you didn't get it, that means you didn't work hard enough(not really dying for that)".  Hope the later one is more true as it's more encouraging and positive.

More things left for the last few weeks. 1. FYP demo. 2. A electronic music project. 3. Review NLP,database, algorithm& prepare for the exam. 

Haven't swam for a week, need to go swimming tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for the review. We are glad you liked it.

    1. Haha,keep up the good work:-)

    2. Would you mind linking Lucidchart to our demo page in your post?

      this is the link


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